I had an excellent experience staying at Stratford One. The amenities were top-notch, Wi-Fi was consistently fast and reliable, and the soundproofing ensured a peaceful environment.
Stratford One公寓位于欧洲最大的城市购物中心Westfield Stratford City附近,拥有1001间精装独立卫浴房型。En-suite房型是独立卫浴,多人共用厨房,厨房配有冰箱,微波炉,烤箱等基本厨房设施,分为四种类型: Classic En-suite Room;Premium Range 1 En-suite Room;Premium Range 2 En-suite Room;Premium Range 3 En-suite Room。所有En-Suite房型面积均为11平米,提供3/4大小床(190cm*75cm) ,En-suite房型位于公寓的7层至19层,价格随着楼层的增高而增加。
Studio房型是独立厨房独立卫浴, 现代化厨房,卫浴和书桌,厨房配有冰箱,微波炉,烤箱等基本厨房设施,Studio分为六种类型:Basic Studio,Basic Accessible Studio均分布在0-5层(accessible户型是公寓为行动不便的学生配置的特殊房型);Classic Studio;Premium Range 1 Studio;Premium Range 2 Studio;Premium Range 3 Studio。所有Studio房型面积均为22平米,提供double bed size的床。
地铁约13分钟可达University of East London(东伦敦大学)的Stratford校区,
搭乘地铁Central线(红线)可在18分钟左右到达 Queen Mary University of London (伦敦大学玛丽女王学院);
由此搭乘地铁还可以到达众多伦敦的大学,London Metropolitan University (伦敦都市大学)(22分钟地铁), City University London(伦敦城市大学)(27分钟地铁),Cass Business School(卡斯商学院)(33分钟地铁),University of Greenwich(格林威治大学)(37分钟地铁)。
公寓毗邻欧洲最大的城市购物中心 Westfield,百货商场里有大型超市Waitrose, Marks & Spencer。步行5分钟到Stratford Shopping Centre 有中国超市龍凤行。 购物:Westfield Stratford City 是欧洲最大的城市购物中心,包括室外和室内的商业零售娱乐休闲区,毗邻伦敦奥林匹克公园,集餐馆,咖啡厅,购物休闲为一体,步行时间仅需半分钟。
104 条评价
周边环境非常好 · 31
公寓服务效率很高 · 16
配套设施超预期 · 20
网速超快 · 9
2025/02/05 22:05
I had an excellent experience staying at Stratford One. The amenities were top-notch, Wi-Fi was consistently fast and reliable, and the soundproofing ensured a peaceful environment.
I had an excellent experience staying at Stratford One. The amenities were top-notch, Wi-Fi was consistently fast and reliable, and the soundproofing ensured a peaceful environment.