"It was a great experience! Uhomes guided me throughout the process, making everything smooth and manageable. I truly appreciate their support and look forward to them guiding me further on this journey.
伯明翰The Old Fire Station 位置:步行5分钟到阿斯顿大学 步行8分钟到伯明翰大学学院 步行18分钟到伯明翰大学学院 公交25分钟到伯明翰大学
New Street Station:步行15-20分钟,轻松出行!
Selfridges & 中国城:同样在步行范围内,购物和美食触手可及 位于市中心上方 生活便利
公寓对面就有Tesco和Costa 房型:studio ensuite noensuute 房屋设施:床尺寸 small Double、微波炉、冰箱、面包机、电视、收纳柜、烧水壶。 公寓提供 学习区,用餐区,娱乐区 免费健身房,游戏室 7*24小时安保 前台代收快递 优点: 1性价比高 缺点: 1公寓较老 2️没有floor plan 3可能有老鼠
1 条评价
2025/01/29 04:36
"It was a great experience! Uhomes guided me throughout the process, making everything smooth and manageable. I truly appreciate their support and look forward to them guiding me further on this journey.
"It was a great experience! Uhomes guided me throughout the process, making everything smooth and manageable. I truly appreciate their support and look forward to them guiding me further on this journey.