重要 | iQ Student Accommodation 宣布免除提前回国留学生后续租金






任何已经搬走,或者准备暑期阶段搬走的学生,必须在英国时间4月9日星期四17:00 之前在个人的student portal 完成 check-out process 且通知公寓。成功完成的学生,公寓会按照规定免除指定日期后续的房租,并且解除合同。超过时间没有进行对应操作的学生,公寓默认学生本人需要原有租期合同。

Early tenancy release

We can now confirm that students who have left or will not be staying for the summer term and pay their rent directly to iQ, will not be charged for the remainder of their current tenancy, effective from the 18th April 2020 - provided that they let us know by 5pm on Thursday, 9th April 2020 and complete the check-out process on the student portal, here: https://www.iqstudentaccommodation.com/user/login  We will treat this as a surrender of their tenancy agreement with us and take their room as returned.

There are a few important requirements for us to be able to release the student from their tenancy, and process any refund that may be due, so it is important that students complete this process.

If we haven’t heard from them by 5pm on Thursday, 9th April 2020, we will assume that they are staying with us until the end of their tenancy.


如果需要延长租期的学生,请尽快联系公寓 hello@iqstudent.com

Extension of stay

We also know that many students are still calling iQ home and need or would like to stay with us until the end of their agreement, and in some cases for longer. For students who wish or may need to extend their stay over the post-term summer months, we would like to reassure you that we will work with them to understand their needs and do all we can to facilitate their stay. We are directing anyone who would like to enquire about this option, to get in touch withhello@iqstudent.com.


